Friday, January 30, 2009

The Worst Part of Labor and Delivery

The worst part of my first labor & delivery experience was not the actual labor associated with giving birth, but it was the labor of trying to get into the pants I brought with me to wear home!! I mistakenly thought I would be able to fit into my old pants (even my old fat pants no less)! Sadly, I ended up wearing the clothes I came to the hospital in. It was not fun.
I learned a valuable lesson; you don't lose all the baby weight that first day! A friend later told me, "Remember, it took you 9 months to get to where you were. Give yourself that same time to get back to your old weight."
With my subsequent babies, going home outfits and weight loss, I was much better prepared. I really wanted to look cute returning home (I am vain like that). So, even though I didn't want to wear maternity clothes home, I did any way. I chose my favorite maternity outfit I had felt the cutest in and that seemed to help.
Truthfully, I usually ended up wearing my maternity clothes for the next 4 to 6 weeks after giving birth! This isn't true for everyone, but it usually took me some good time to get all my baby weight off.
The moral of my story, "If you want to leave the hospital happy and comfy; bring stretchy waisted or maternity clothes to wear home!!"

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